Cadet Jason Crawford has dedicated his life to fighting the mysterious alien race which threatens the massive city-ship he calls home. A few days before his first mission, however, Jason discovers a terrible secret which could mean an end to his way of life forever.
Gritty and dark, Entitlement is a story of struggle and survival in a dystopian society built on fear and greed. Though you may be tempted to judge the characters, be certain of one thing: on the USS McAdam, no one is quite as good, nor quite as bad, as they seem.
"I couldnt (sic) stop reading because I absolutely had to know what happened next. Good stuff." - Kindle Customer
Praise for an earlier version of this novel, which was published as I Dreamt of Trees:
"...an amazing first novel" - humanitysdarkerside.com
"...spectacular writing" - Author Unpublished
"...a rip-roaring, hedonistic adventure novel" - Readers' Favorite